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Manage your Revit families (rename, add prefix and suffix, save them in an organised way) and worksets (modify worksets by category or create your own rules).

Table of contents

  1. Edit
    1. Find and Replace
    2. Prefix/Suffix
      1. Clear
      2. Reload
      3. Undo
      4. Export to Excel
      5. Export elements ID
      6. Import from Excel
      7. Apply


The FamilyReviser also allows to batch edit families, so in this tab you can manage all the families. Let’s start learning more about it.

Follow the steps:

  1. Use the radio button to choose whether you want to manage All Families, Active View Families or Selected Families.

FamilyReviser radio button

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.

  1. The next step is to choose the families options:
  • Loadable Families or System Families
  • Choose the categories
  • If you want to search for Family Name or Type Name.

FamilyReviser families options

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.

Find and Replace

After selecting the families, lets replace some family names.

  1. Add a word to search for and choose whether you want Find Next or Find All. Note that the family name will be filtered.

FamilyReviser find and replace

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.

  1. Enter the word that you want to replace it, and then choose whether you want to Replace Next or Replace All.

a. In the first field, enter the word to Find Next or Find All.

b. The second field, enter the word to Replace Next or Replace All.

FamilyReviser find and replace

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.


Define a prefix and a suffix for families.

a. In the first field, enter the prefix and set it to apply to Selected or All families.

b. The second field, enter the suffix and set apply to Selected or All families.

FamilyReviser find and replace

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.


Click the Clear button and set other data.

FamilyReviser clear data

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.


Click to Reload model changes.

FamilyReviser reload data

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.


If some changes cannot be applied, click the Undo button and go back over the changes.

FamilyReviser undo actions

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.

Export to Excel

Select Export to Excel from the list and open the file.

FamilyReviser export to excel

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.

Export elements ID

Select the option to Export Elements ID to CSV.

FamilyReviser export elements ID

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.

Import from Excel

Make changes in the exported Excel and import it to update the families.

FamilyReviser import from excel

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.


To apply changes to the model, click on the Apply button.

FamilyReviser apply

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of FamilyReviser/DiRootsOne.

Let’s go to the next tab to manage the Worksets.