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Manage Revit parameters inside project and family environments. Create new parameters, modify existing parameters, export/import parameters to/from Excel and Shared Parameters file.

Table of contents

  1. Transfer
    1. Modify
      1. Clear Modify
      2. Hide un-checked
    2. Apply


In this tab, the Transfer tool allows to “copy” paramaters from familiy to another one. There are two ways to choose the family to copy the parameters:

  1. Select Family: click this button and select the element in the view to manage its parameters.

ParaManager select element

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of ParaManager/DiRootsOne.

  1. Open the Family list: select the family in this list to transfer the parameters to.

ParaManager select family

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of ParaManager/DiRootsOne.


Modify allows you to add a suffix and/or prefix to parameters marked with a checkbox. It also, provides the ability to replace part of the parameter name with a new value.

ParaManager modify

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of ParaManager/DiRootsOne.

# Note:
Note that manual name modification in the list view is allowed.

Clear Modify

By clicking the clear button ParaManager will restore original parameter names.

# Note:
This tools can be used before applying Modify functionality or manually editing names.

ParaManager clear modify

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of ParaManager/DiRootsOne.

Hide un-checked

Select this checkbox to hide unselected families.

ParaManager hide un-checked

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of ParaManager/DiRootsOne.


After selecting the family in the table on the left, select the parameters to transfer/copy to the other family. Now select the family that should receive the selected parameters in the table on the right. To complete, click Apply to transfer the parameters to the selected family.

ParaManager Apply

Note: the version on the image may not reflect the latest version of ParaManager/DiRootsOne.